Saturday, May 7, 2011

Word of Whenever: apricity

apricity (obsolete)
the warmth of the sun in winter

This is my favorite word. It's obsolete, but I enjoy using it because it brings back wonderful memories. One of the schools I attended was set back in the hills. It was against school rules to leave the playground/basketball court, but we did it anyway. Because of the danger of rattlesnakes in the area, the only time we went tromping through the tall grass and thick brush was in winter, when the rattlesnakes were (hopefully) burrowed away and sleeping. With the school or any other modern landmark out of sight, surrounded by friends and breathing in the smell of earth and growing things, it was a treat to feel the heat of the sun as it broke through the clouds for a few moments. As the clouds swiftly moved in to cover the sun again, we were left with a warm tingle on our faces. There's nothing like enjoying a brief moment of apricity.

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