Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cooking Adventure: Pineapple (part deux)

Well! Now that you've (presumably) cut up a pineapple and have finished your unwholesome feeding frenzy on its freshly-harvested flesh, what do you do with the bits you can't eat?

Delicious, delicious carnage.

You make pineapple water!

The peel, core and bottom bit of a pineapple (not the crown)
A lemon or two

Firstly, throw all your pineapple bits into a bowl that can hold about a gallon of water. Bigger is better.

Scrap bucket or the beginning of something wondrous?

Chop up a lemon (or two) and throw the slices in the bucket, peel and all. I used a huge one that was probably the equivalent of two lemons, but in the future I would only use one normal-sized lemon.

Giant, mutant lemon.

Today's post is brought to you by the color yellow.

Add three tablespoons of sugar and dump in half a gallon of water. Stick it in the fridge and let it sit overnight.

In the morning, pour into a pitcher or jug or whatever you have. I had an empty water jug.


Don't expect an explosion of fruity goodness. The flavor is light and it's mostly tart - the sugar only gets rid of the bitterness this drink would have. It's mostly lemon-flavored and it's refreshing.

Happy cooking!

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