Monday, May 9, 2011

Meat Envy

I swear this post is not as dirty as the title makes it sound.

In an interest to cut down on my weekly grocery bill, I went looking for vegetarian recipes. I am an omnivore - I love me some meat. I was interested in finding all-vegetable dishes that weren't just pasta to round out my diet, save some money and get a bit healthier.

I was looking for recipes that had only vegetables. Quinoa shows up a lot in these recipes. Also lentils. I understand that getting enough protein in a meat-free diet is something to keep in mind, but I was a little disappointed. Something else kept popping up that was very interesting and I have decided to call it meat envy.

Meat envy is when a vegetarian meal tries to imitate meat. I've seen lentil burgers, "meatballs" made out of rice, fake bacon, fake chicken and the infamous tofurkey.

It's real.

Even PETA, the most vocal group about how meat is murder, has a recipe for vegan corndogs featured on their recipe page.

There are sites like Vegetarian Times and allrecipes that have great meatless meals and loads of them are without any faux-meats. Those kinds of recipes are what I'm looking for. Dishes that rejoice in the glory that is a beautiful combination of variegated colors and flavors, casting off any mention or hint of meat or meat substitute, and is delicious in its own veggieness.

I'll never be a vegetarian, and I have to admit it makes me snicker when I see meat envy. Come to the dark meat side and together we will rule the kitchen.

My kitchen armor, reposted because it is terribly wonderful.

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