Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Thoughts on friends

I have a bunch of really cool friends. Some I see all the time, some I see once in a while, and there are a few I'm in contact with over the phone or e-mail. Friends are cool because you all have something in common, you all like each other and you can all talk about the things you have in common, or the things you like and so on. I'm sure you don't need me to explain.

The concept of a "best friend" isn't hard to grasp, either. It's the one friend you are the closest to, the one you like the best. The funny things is, I haven't had a "best friend" in a while. I've noticed that there are certainly friends I am closer to than others, but no one is the best. I just have a few really awesome friends that I see a lot and talk to a lot, and they like the things I do, and they generally like me and I like them.

I actually think it's cooler this way. I guess if I had to answer who my best friend is, I'd have to name off a few people. Why stop at one best friend? Collect a bunch!


1 comment:

  1. We love you too, Eve! :D

    Note: Word verification is renerhin. Some sort of elvish delicacy perhaps?
