Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cooking Adventure: Easy Chicken Curry

I surveyed my friends on what they'd like to read about if they had to read about food, and put forward some suggestions. Curry was unanimously voted down to the bottom of the list.

Pictured: deliciousness or pure evil?

But I had chicken I had to use, so we're making easy chicken curry!

Curry powder was running late for the group shot.


1 1/2 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breasts (this is about 1 pack of chicken in whole breast, filleted breast or chicken tender form)
1/2 large white onion
2 cans Campbell's Cream of Chicken Soup (you can use the Healthy Choice stuff if you want)
3 tsp curry powder

Firstly, cut the chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces, trimming off bits of fat and chunks of weird-looking bits, so you just have a nice collection of chicken chunks.

I can hear my friends wondering why I'm about to ruin this beautiful chicken.

Then dice half the onion. I hate cutting onions, but thanks to the video below, I can get through half of one of these sulfur bombs before having to run out of the kitchen.

Fun fact: when you cut an onion, it releases a sulfur gas. When it comes into contact with water (your moist eyeballs), it turns into sulfuric acid!


Dump the onions and the chicken into a hot wok. If you don't have a wok, use a nonstick pan. If you don't have a nonstick pan, use a skillet or other shallow, large pan with a bit of oil in the bottom. I prefer grapeseed oil, but you can use pretty much any oil you have to hand.


Sauté the chicken and onions (or just stir around and turn them over) until the onions are a bit tender and translucent and the chicken is cooked all the way through. If the onions get glassy before the chicken is done cooking, don't worry. It won't affect the taste.

You don't have the chop up the onions into perfect, even little chunks.


Don't bother to drain any liquid in the pan. Add the two cans of soup.


Stir well to get all the chicken, onions and the liquid well-mixed with the soup. You can turn off the heat at this point. Then add the curry powder and make sure to stir really well so you don't end up with a pocket of unmixed curry powder.

I don't care how much you like curry, it will hurt.

Stand back and appreciate the curry.

Hello, beautiful.

Serve it over rice, or just eat it as-is.


Happy cooking!


  1. oh God... what did that chicken ever do to you?!

    It looks like pea soup vomit. XP

    (But since you made it it is probably delicious. Except that it's curry. I are conflicted!)

  2. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Curry is food you feed people you hate.
