Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oh, hey: More than one kind of starfish

Everyone knows what a starfish is. It's a fish shaped like a star.

They have squidgey underbits.

They're not really fish. They belong to a class called asteroidea (Latin for "like a star"). They're in the same family as sea urchins, sea cucumbers and sand dollars.

There are loads of starfish that don't look remotely like the five-pointed fellow above.

Crown-of-Thorns starfish

Pincushion starfish. I want to hug it forever.

Brittle Star

 Sunflower starfish. It's like a tentacle cookie.

Linckia starfish. Should be renamed "Gumby".

NSFW audio on the video below (movie in the background).

Feather starfish

Basket starfish

Starfish are cool.

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