Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cooking Misadventure: French Toast

I bought a loaf of brioche at the farmer's market this Sunday. It's an egg bread that is good for French toast. This loaf was thick-sliced just for this purpose. I decided to see what the talented Alton Brown did to make French toast, and followed that recipe.

It tasted like broken dreams.

The first step was the make the egg mixture. Simple enough.

There was going to be a picture of the egg mixture here, but it has apparently fled, too ashamed to appear in this post. So here's a baby panda instead.

The second step was to soak the bread in the egg mixture. I had halved the recipe in case this turned into a disaster (accurate prediction) and used only three slices of bread. I over-soaked the first slice, but I got the second slice just right.

A promising start.

Because of my over-enthusiastic soaking of the first piece, it was falling apart and there wasn't enough mix for the third piece. So I squeezed the first piece's egg juice back into the bowl. Because I'm insane. Then I used that egg mixture to soak the last piece of bread and got it just right.

Don't ask me for good ideas.

The next thing to do was to preheat the oven. You fry these, then bake them. The recipe said 2-3 minutes until golden brown. I don't think I fried them long enough, though it was at the right temperature, with the right amount of butter, in a nonstick skillet as was recommended, for the maximum amount of time.

Missing the crucial "brown" part of the equation.

I put them in the oven and let them cook for five minutes. I poked them open in a few places just to make sure that egg mixture really had cooked. It had. I put a little bit of butter and some maple syrup on top, then had a bite.

Moments before my hopes were dashed cruelly upon the rocks.

They were flavorless. Quite literally flavorless. I tried it unbuttered and unsyruped and there was zero flavor. With butter and syrup I could taste butter and syrup.

I'm going to try again tomorrow, but with my mom's recipe.

Wish me luck.


  1. I laughed so hard at this, I cried.


  2. My french toast recipe:

    One loaf of Roman wheat bread.

    As many eggs as you want/need.

    Water/milk (optional).

    Break eggs in one of those flat-bottom bowls because you will be laying flat bread in them. Bowl needs to be big enough to fit a piece of bread in it without turning the bread into something only vaguely resembling bread.

    If you want, you can thin out the eggs with some milk or water. I try to do 1 part milk/water to every 4 parts eggs. Or something. I prefer milk.

    Butter the pan on medium-low flame. Coat it good. Do not use any other grease or oil. This will make it taste like eggy bread. Use salted butter or you will die.

    Worried about burning the butter? Good. It makes it taste better.

    Lay a piece of bread in the egg so that it is covered. Then flip it and repeat. Quickly move that bitch into the pan and repeat until there's no more room with (I usually use a square pancake pan which is completely awesome if you have room for it and utterly annoying when you don't).

    Cook until its getting kinda brown on both sides.

    Remove from pan.

    Rebutter (SALTED!) the pan for any following frenching of toasts.

    Serve with however you like your french toast. I like butter, syrup and bacon. Mmm, bacon.

