Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Holy Hiatus, Batman!

I'm not dead yet!

Holy moley, it has been approximately thirty years since I blogged. I'll try to sum up where I've been and what I've been doing between then and now.

1. Wisdom teeth excavation have long since healed. I will do a post on what I learned about keeping things clean, taking painkillers, eating and generally living with holes in your mouth.

2. I went to Anime Expo. Pictures to come. I don't cosplay, but I fawn over those that do.

3. I started to learn how to sew. My goal is to get up to the point where I do costuming for a living.

4. I got into steampunk.

5. I broke my ankle. More on that later.

6. I didn't go all-out for Halloween this year, thanks to the ankle.

I plan to get back into the blogging game regularly very soon.

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