Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ballad of the Halo Man

Man soothes broken heart with Master Chief's armor.

Eric Smith was a noble man
Of modest house and means
He bought a ring for his maiden fair
To make said maiden his queen

But this maiden was yet untrue
And she did tell him this
"There is another man, my sweet,
"I cannot accept married bliss."

Sir Eric's heart was cloven in twain
By his fair love's betrayal
The ring to represent his love
Now represented an epic fail

The ring was sold on the Bay of E
And with his pockets now filled with gold
Sir Eric hastened to fill the void
With the armor of a champion bold

Master Chief was an imposing man
And his armor was known worldwide
Sir Eric now owns a replica
And wears it to cons with pride

So if your lady or lad of love
Leaves to your chagrin
Hock that ring and buy something
That will make it an epic win

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